Thursday, October 21, 2021

Investing Start

How to get started investing money? 1. Create an emergency fund 2. Pay off credit card or high interest debt 3. Maximize retirement accounts 4. Reduce spending 5. Invest in VOO or SPY in a taxable stock account 6. Invest in individual stocks

S&P 500 Entrance Requirements

S&P 500 index funds have been some of the best performing stock ETFs and the individual stocks that make up the index are incredibly desirable investments for most investors. Getting into this elite group isn't easy, Tesla became one of the largest publicly traded stocks before getting in. Market capitalization isn't the only criterion for acceptance by the committee that picks the approximately 500 stocks. One of the criteria keeping Tesla out was the requirement for a year of profitability, since Tesla was unprofitable for many years. S&P 500 also only accepts stocks that trade on US stock markets with sufficient trading volume. There are a number of other minor requirements related to corporate governance and stock share types.

Winning bet on stocks

 The S&P 500 index ETF is one of the safest bets in stock investing, and over time has an increasing likelihood of making money. However...