Saturday, July 3, 2021

Margin of Safety for Growth

 With a growing company and rising stock price, it can be difficult to not want to jump in based on momentum and FOMO. However a margin of safety is important to establishing a stock position that won’t lose money. It is a common point emphasized by value investors like Warren Buffett, but less common for growth investors. Fortunately, growth stocks often have considerable volatility in addition to high returns, so it is advantageous to wait and buy these stocks when they fluctuate lower. If you expect the volatility it becomes a buying opportunity instead of a harbinger of a stock drop.

An additional mechanism I have for preventing establishing a large position all at once is to consider multiple stocks with slowly building a position and buy into the one that has the highest expected return plus the highest percentage difference from its 52 week high. The return for the past year can serve as an estimate of expected returns. 

Winning bet on stocks

 The S&P 500 index ETF is one of the safest bets in stock investing, and over time has an increasing likelihood of making money. However...