Monday, August 16, 2021

Large dividend ETF using covered calls

 The NASDAQ 100 Covered Call ETF (QYLD) offers a very attractive yield by holding the NASDAQ 100 index and writing covered calls on that holding. (Also known as a buy-write strategy) The ETF yields about 11.5%, which can fluctuate based on the volatility of the index. The ETF monthly sells at-the-money call options and uses that to pay a monthly dividend. The fund has paid monthly dividends for 7 years. The fund generally doesn’t seem to generate much capital gains and the fund has a 0.6% management fee. In March 2020 the dividend dipped about 20% to $0.18 from about $0.23, but was within the normal range of dividend variability.

Winning bet on stocks

 The S&P 500 index ETF is one of the safest bets in stock investing, and over time has an increasing likelihood of making money. However...